Thursday, January 20, 2011

some newer stuff

 Here we have a ganesh peice I started on andrew a few years back.....we finally got around to finishing it off the other day.

                                                                    Some thistles

Hand Oms on Paleki

These are a set of hand peices I did on Paleki this week, in case you dont know what the ohm symbol stands for its is a mantra for the sound made when the earth and universe was created.
Paleki is an RMT and does healings and readings here in fredericton, check him out at his website ........

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Couple new ones

So here is a couple tattoos I did before the Christmas break started, thought id just catch up with one big post.
 A wild hare.

 This peice here is not yet completed and quite red from the last session. It is a design based on the peruvian Sacrificial knife called a tumi.
                                                        Soldier Memorial
                                                                         A feather for felix
                                                                     and a traditioanl sparrow, lock and key
                                                                          more coming soon...............